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Re: Help! First showcase, need advice
Posted by TundraDancingGal
12/13/2015  10:03:00 AM
You were right, it went fabulously. There was a bobble by me, which nobody noticed. Instead of doing an underarm turn with a walk-thru to closed position, I reached for my partner's hand. For that split second we were both surprised (now why did THAT happen) but we just continued. Even I can hardly tell it on the video. I was much more relaxed than expected and was able to smile and enjoy myself; despite the hour leading up to it being filled with numerous, nagging issues and me becoming a basket-case.

The feedback I got was all very good, including from several people whose opinion I really respect. Even if the quality of technique wasn't tops, it was smooth and people enjoyed it. When they said I glowed and looked so relaxed, I told them the acting classes I've taken sure helped!

I was proud that I handled any glitches well. I know sometimes people freeze, forget their routine or frantically try and correct an error leaving their partner in the dust. I must have a very good instructor because I just relaxed and trusted him. Two weeks ago I was convinced I could never do this. That's when I reached out here and to others-it was all good after that. Now of course, I want to do it again!

Thanks again.
Re: Help! First showcase, need advice
Posted by ladydance
12/13/2015  5:42:00 PM
Congrats! So glad it went well.
Re: Help! First showcase, need advice
Posted by nloftofan1
12/14/2015  10:32:00 AM
Good for you! Sometimes you can work on a pattern for weeks, and then when you perform it you realize that it only lasts 12 seconds. A little depressing, but the other side of that is that individual movements take so little time that hardly anybody notices if you miss something. Also, you performed a showcase; it wasn't a competition. So performance value matters as much as technique. You want the technique to be good, but if it isn't perfect it isn't fatal. Sounds like you did well. congratulations!
Re: Help! First showcase, need advice
Posted by TundraDancingGal
12/25/2015  7:11:00 PM
I was so busy with Christmas, that I couldn't get back before this. We had two videos of it and I couldn't figure out why I couldn't notice my telemark. That's because I did it right! I worked so hard on it that somehow it must have gotten in my muscle memory despite my struggles. My instructor was very pleased. Who knows, maybe I'll have to come back in a few months and ask advice about my first competition. We have two Wisconsin major competitions, but one's during our yearly vacation, so I can't do that one. That's fine with me as it looks very intimidating; I know the venue, it's a gorgeous ballroom in a historic hotel and I'm not ready for that at all!

BTW, Now that I've had a two week break (and I'm really missing dancing) my foot (Morton's Neuroma) is so much better. Maybe I'll be lucky and it will completely go away.
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